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Parish Cells and Associations

Altar Servers

The altar servers are a group of young enthusiasts, who eagerly serve mass. Children can join the altar servers after receiving their first holy communion. We have meetings every Saturday at 5 pm for appointments throughout the week.
Meeting: Every Sat at 5pm
Age group: After Receiving First Holy Communion are eligible to join

Choir / Music Ministry

The St. Anne’s choir is a very vibrant group of people who come together and sing hymns in harmony, rejoicing as one. We have over 40 people in our choir and we sing for feasts and have practices throughout the year in the evenings
Age Group: It Varies from the youth to senior citizens

Christian Meditation Group

The Mediation Group of the parish from July 2023 has started meeting once a month on the 2nd Saturday of the month or as and when decided by the members. We are a group of 8-10 members.
What is Christian meditation ?
Meditation is simple, being simple means being ourselves. It means passing beyond self consciousness, self analysis and self rejection. Meditation is a universal spiritual practice which guides us into this state of silent prayer of being one with Christ.
How to Meditate?
We practice the basic teaching on how to meditate passed on by John Main which is;
Sit down. Sit Still and upright. Close your eyes lightly. Sit relaxed but alert.
Silently, interiorly begin to say a single word. We recommend the prayer-phrase Maranatha. Recite it as four syllables of equal length. Listen to it as you say it, gently but continuously.
Do not think or imagine anything – spiritual or otherwise. If thoughts or images come, these are distractions at the time of meditation, so keep returning to simply saying your word.
Meditate each morning and evening for between twenty and thirty minutes.

Community Welfare Fund (CWF)

Confirmation Group

The Confirmation Class of our Parish is a vibrant, high energy, and joyful experience in faith formation and personal growth.
Charged with transforming children of faith into adult members of our Parish and the Church,
the team comprising Fr Felix, Sr Dharsi, and Hugo have curated a programme spanning approximately 7 months that is a well-balanced blend of spiritual growth, personal development, and outreach.
The aim is to give the Church of Christ and civil society, confident young people strong in the faith and in the values of integrity, justice and service.
The Jesuit philosophy of Magis is an integral part of the entire programme which is an exciting mix of activity-based experiential learning team tasks and individual projects, outreach and the Annual Leadership Camp.
Eligibility - Catholic children who have completed Class X or 15 years of age.
Classes are held every Sunday from 10:30 am (after the 9:30 am Mass) to 12:45 pm in the Mary Immaculate Hall of St Mary's ICSE

Eucharistic Ministers

The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life. It is this Holy Communion that Catholics receive as the most holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. It is important that Catholics are not deprived of the opportunity to receive Holy Communion due to illness, age, or infirmity. The ordinary ministers (priests) cannot always fulfill the great need among Christ's faithful. Therefore, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are prepared, according to the pastoral theology and canon law, to fulfill the need in taking the Eucharist to the sick and homebound.
Few things need to be keep in mind while selecting EMHC:
1. These individuals should be able to minister to the sick in a compassionate, prayerful and sensitive way.
2. They should possess psychological maturity and the ability to keep certain things in confidence.
3. They should be at least 21 years of age and should have received First Holy Communion and Confirmation and should be leading a life of faith.
4. They should be reverential and respectful to his or her faith and should be of a sound moral character.
5. If married, it must be a valid marriage according to the law of the Catholic Church.

Konkani Group

The Konkani Charismatic Prayer Group comprising of around 20 members. The service begins with Praise and Worship followed by gospel reading and a short reflection. Testimonies are shared of how God has worked in the lives of members and together we give Praise & Glory to God. We end with Intercessory Prayers for various needs and for the prayer requests received.

Meeting: Every Saturday in the Residence Hall from 7 pm-8.30 pm


With a core group & a Spiritual Director at our helm we have 25 Lectors to proclaim, the Word of God at our Eucharistic Celebrations. There is good coordination & bonding among us. At every meeting, a Lector is appointed for the opening & closing Prayer. We then mark our attendance and our appointments for the weeks and Sundays. Any information or suggestion is also shared by our Spiritual Director or Lector here. We induct Lectors after a formal practice. On our WhatsApp group, we wish each other on our Birthdays & follow it up with a light fellowship, at our meetings. We conclude with the Closing Prayer.
Meetings: On every first Monday @ 7.30 pm of every month, except for May.


The St Anne's Parish Library is situated in part of the Kostka Hall. The library consists of more than 2000 books of different genres like Thrillers, Mystery, Romance, Classics, Children's Books.
The membership fees are Rs.100/- annually and a member can avail of 2 to 3 books at a time. The Library is open on Sunday from 8.30 am to 11.00 am.
Currently, the library has four volunteers but more volunteers would be welcome. The Parish library is a wonderful place that serves food for thought and relaxation for the mind.

Liturgy Team

Liturgy consists of a rite or group of rites which are prescribed to make public worship meaningful.
In St Anne's the group does this by preparing a theme based on Readings prescribed by the Church. Different communities are alloted one Sunday. They prepare Introduction and prayers of the Faithful.
The challenge today is to make the total Eucharistic celebration meaningful using today's language and symbols when necessary. It is a challenge which we are attempting to meet every Sunday, if not daily.
Fr Lawrie coordinates with the alloted community each week.

Media Team

The media team makes sure that the parishioners are aware of all the events and important masses offered by way of posters, videos, live streaming of mass etc.

Mothers' Prayer Group

We are about 15 or so members
Meet on Tuesdays in one of the rooms in the residence building or a member’s house
We have a Whatsapp group where things are organised

Parish Administration

Parish Office activities
1.Registering Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths in the Parish, and issuing Certificates. Record keeping of First Holy Communion and Confirmations.
2.Booking of Masses.
3.Counting weekly Church Collections, Receiving contributions to Church Support/ Community Welfare and Banking the same.
4. Helping the Parish Priest in preparing Sunday Announcements etc.

Prison Ministry

The St. Anne’s unit is part of the Byculla unit of Prison Ministry (Mumbai). There are 12 members. The main focus is serving the inmates of the Byculla Jail situated at Clare Rd. and a weekly visit to the Children’s Home at Dongri for juvenile offenders. At the Byculla Jail medical and dental camps are conducted, as are counselling sessions for the inmates by trained personnel.
At the Dongri Home regular counselling services are rendered.
There is also an online intercessory prayer group that meets daily.
Once a year - on PM Sunday in Aug. the group makes a concerted effort to apprise the Parishioners of new services rendered in the various prisons of Mumbai, raise funds & attract new volunteers to serve those in detention.
Meeting: At least once a quarter

Senior Parishioners’ Club

The Senior Parishioners Club of St. Anne's Parish was incepted in 1999. It is completing 25 yrs in March 2024. It was founded by Rev. Fr. Joe Abreo SJ, Mr. Colin D'Souza & few like-minded people to cater to the seniors of our parish & the surrounding parishes. Fr. Joseph Aran SJ was our 1st Spiritual Director. Because of these two priests (Josephs), we were inspired to choose St. Joseph as the patron of our club.
Since then the club has been flourishing. We have about 200 life members from various parishes.
12 committee members meet every month to plan out the monthly activities.
We have sub-committees like Spiritual, Entertainment, Sports, Catering, Talks & Communications to organize events & activities

SmallChristian Communities Steering Committee

In the SCC steering committee, we are 16 committed members
We have meetings with our families and animators of what is happening in our parish We also encourage people to participate in the zonal masses and other church activities

Meeting: Every quarter in the parish

Society of St Vincent de Paul –SVP

The Society of Vincent de Paul is a charitable organization that looks after the needs of the underprivileged in Parish cells over the world.
They help the poor with rations, medicine and education and try to get a family member to get a job and sustain a family.
St. Anne’s has 8 members and 2 brothers have just joined. They go visiting the families in pairs and come and report at the meetings.
The people helped are called “ Adopted Families” and they are looked after for all their needs.But they have a thorough investigation done before they are adopted. Food, medicine and education are the priorities of the SVP help.
Meetings on Thursdays 7:30 pm-8:30 pm

Sunday School

This year the Sunday School has a total of 38 children of our parish including Mumbai Central We are a total of 11 teachers 2 teachers per class.
Meeting: Once a month and mostly all coordination is done on WhatsApp

Ushers Team

We have around 23 Ushers. No meetings held only a call is enough and they all agree to provide their services. Very dedicated. Just two to three days before any function or religious occasion just a call is enough to get a confirmation from them. We have around 70 percent youngsters.

Youth Group

Our St. Anne’s Youth Group is a vibrant and bubbly bunch of college kids/young working adults who are actively involved in the participation and coordination of various activities in the Parish. Our Goal for them is to encourage and develop them as individuals where they can take on leadership roles, so as to benefit the Parish and the communities they represent. Regular bi-monthly meetings are being planned to set up events throughout the year which would benefit the whole parish community. Our youth are the backbone of tomorrow. Encourage motivate and appreciate them.

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