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Br. Glen Braganza

Regent to the Vocation Promoter of Bombay Province.
In the past 11 years, he completed his 11th & 12th PUC as well as my Pre-Novitiate in Bangalore St. Josephs College, while residing in Navasdhana. Then another year of Pre-Novitiate at Vinyalaya, Mumbai followed by an intense Novitiate Training at XTC, Belagavi. He returned back to Vinyalaya for my Juniorate and the Moved to ST. Xavier’s College, CST for my graduation. For my post-graduation, I Perused an M.A in Philosophy from Loyola College, Chennai, Madras University. And currently he is practicing his regency for the promotion of Vocations to the society while residing in St. Anne’s Parish.
The Journey hasn’t obviously been smooth. But, looking back on my footstep and with a smile, I can say “Contento, Señor, content”.

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