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Saint Anne’s Parish:
A Journey from Humble Beginnings to Vibrant Community

The Genesis: A Private Family Chapel

In the late 19th century, amidst the vast stretches of farmland, a small plot measuring 250 m² bore witness to the seeds of faith being sown. It was here that a private family chapel was established, dedicated to Saint Anne. The choice of the patron saint is significant, as Saint Anne is traditionally believed to be the mother of the Virgin Mary, and thus the grandmother of Jesus. Her role in the Christian tradition is that of nurturing and laying the foundation of faith, much like the role this small chapel would play in the years to come.

1887: A Parish is Born

On July 31st, 1887, coinciding with the Feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, Saint Anne’s was formally recognized as a parish. The choice of this date is symbolic, as Saint Ignatius Loyola was known for his transformative spiritual journey and his emphasis on active faith. This spirit of transformation and active faith would come to define the journey of Saint Anne’s Parish in the years that followed.

Growth and Expansion

Over the decades, as the community grew, so did the need for a larger space to accommodate the burgeoning congregation. From its modest beginnings, the parish expanded, acquiring more land and building larger structures to serve its members. The parish's growth is not just measured in terms of physical space but also in the number of families it served. From a handful of families who initially attended the private chapel, the parish now caters to the spiritual needs of over 425 families.

A Vibrant Community

Today, spread over 6 kms², Saint Anne’s Parish stands as a testament to the power of faith and community. It is not just a place of worship but a hub of spiritual, social, and community activities. Various ministries, groups, and outreach programs ensure that the parish remains vibrant and relevant to its members. The parish has become a beacon of hope, love, and faith for its members and the larger community.

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